ASHA yoga classes
Welcome! Thanks for joining in practice online. This page will be updated weekly with new classes and movement breaks to support you in staying strong and well at home. You’ll find that sound quality will be best if you have an external/bluetooth speaker, and have your volume turned up all the way on the video player and likely to around 75% or higher on your device.
Got questions or feedback? Send me a note using the contact form at the bottom or email me at I’d love to hear what kinds of classes you’d like to see more of!
back in the saddle flow | 1 hr 2 min
Enjoy moments of challenge and moments of support in this playfully-sequenced flow, which features an inner-thigh-strengthening side plank variation (from Jules Mitchell, biomechanics & yoga teacher) that you'll want a chair/bench/couch for. You may wish to have a blanket as well. Breakdown of practice:
- 0-5 min - prop explanation/preview of what we're working towards & centering
- 5:30-16 - whole body warm-up
- 16:30-49 - progressively challenging flow
- 49-end - mellowing down + savasana
monday…low motivation flow | 49 min 30 sec
In this practice, I honored where I was – 11 months into the pandemic, missing in-person interactions, and not loving the cold weather. So I made a deal that I got to practice some fun circular transitions, get on my mat and move, and not make things harder than they already are (read: this is a no-chataranga/vinyasa/push up practice!). If you like playing around with side plank variations, I think you’ll enjoy this.
class breakdown:
- 0-15: centering & seated hip warm up (can be done in a chair or on the floor)
- 15-42: progressive side plank & standing flow
- 42 to the end: winding down into savasana
If you are comfortable sitting in a squat, you might like to have 2 yoga blocks/a few stacked books to help you do part of the seated warm up in a squat. If you are not comfortable sitting in a squat AND sitting with legs extended (aka dandasana), grab a chair for the warm-up.
wash the floor & explore flow | 44 min
In this practice, we'll prep our shoulders for bearing weight in down dog and plank with some sliding movements, and then move through an intentionally-paced, exploratory flow. You'll want:
- a blanket or towel if you are practicing on a hardwood/vinyl/similar floor
- a large garbage bag if you are practicing on carpet
a few more angles gentle-ish flow | 57 min
If you have ...
-2 small hand weights or bean bags
-2 blocks or stacks of books
you can use them in this practice! or, you can go prop-free.
- 0-10 - gentle floor-based centering and warm up
- 10-16 - core work
- 16-25 - kneeling or standing shoulder work
- 25-46 - hip strength into full-body gentle strength and balance flow
- 46 to end - slowing down into savasana
wrong side of the bed flow | 52 min
Woke up a bit grumpy and creaky but knew I'd feel better after a bit of yoga (and I did!). You'll need
- a pair of leggings or stretchy long-sleeve shirt (that you wouldn't mind potentially stretching out a bit more)
- OR a resistance band AND a towel/something you can roll up to use as a self-massage tool
(you don't need a towel if you have a pair of leggings/shirt - you'll just use the clothing item for everything!)
optional: a tennis or massage ball to roll up inside your towel/leggings/whatever or use on its own for a firmer self-massage
- 0 - 8 min: intro + self-massage
- 8 - 22 min: floor-based warm-up and work
- 22 - 40 min: standing poses and flow
- 40 - 52 min: slowing down + savasana (aka final resting pose)
mix and match flow | 50 min
In this practice, we’ll warm up for a creative transition from reverse table through core work and mobility exercises that are then woven into an unusual flow. You’ll want a pillow/cushion or thick towel/blanket.
new year flow | 49 minutes
You'll want (but don’t need) 2 small hand weights or water bottles for this well-rounded practice that incorporates many slowed-down, circular transitions to help us find strength and mobility in our hips. Short on time? Just do minutes 2 to 17 for a very thorough warm-up.
shoulder roll and release | 21 min
We’ll use self-massage techniques and active stretching to create some space in tense shoulders. You’ll need:
- a balled-up pair of socks or a tennis ball
- a corner or doorframe
- a pair of leggings, theraband, or yoga strap
snowy day slow flow | 1 hr 7 min
No props needed for this steady-paced practice, but you might like to have a balled-up pair of socks for some self-massage at the very beginning (or a tennis/massage ball if you like very intense/deeper tissue self-massage). Flow breakdown:
- self-massage until 9:30 (you could just do this part)
- 9:30 to 13 – neck and core warm up on back
- 13 – 54 – progressively challenging slow flow featuring a forearm-plank-based alternate vinyasa + warrior II variations, more strengthening hip stability work in last cycle
- 54 to end – cooling down + savasana
holiday lovingkindness meditation | 12 min
In this meditation, we’ll practice sending compassionate, kind thoughts to people in our lives.
foot mobility and flow | 38 min total (10 min for your feet + 28 for everything else, savasana not included)
The first 10 minutes of this video can be done as a standalone practice for your feet anytime they could use some TLC. You'll want a tennis ball (or similar sized object) and 2 small hand weights (mine are about 2.5 lbs, anything 1-4 lbs should be ok depending on your strength) or 2 water bottles that close tightly. In the rest of the practice, we'll play with coordinating our breath and our movement, all while strengthening our shoulders and core.
meditation: leaves on a stream | 12 min
A guided meditation that can be done sitting, lying down, or even walking.
self-massage, swinging + stabilizing flow | 56 min
This practice uses a tennis ball (or similar object) to aid in super gentle self-massage to aid digestion + a water bottle or small hand weight (2-4 lbs) to provide a bit of external load for swinging and strengthening work. You'll see how holding a weight may actually make some standing transitions easier! Includes a nice long savasana.
foam roller & rolling around | 13 min
You’ll need a foam roller and some floor space for this relaxing and energizing break. This is a great way to prep for the dancer slow flow practice (below).
dancer slow flow | 1 hr 2 min
A challenging slow flow with a focus on building up to repetitions of standing balance poses. You’ll want a water bottle that can fasten securely closed for some shoulder stability exercises, no other props required. If you have extra time, you might like to do the foam roller & rolling around practice (above) first.
turn things around flow | 59 min
Progressive flow that builds towards to standing, stability-challenging twists. Blanket or towel needed for some sections, and you might like to set up near a wall or bring a chair close to your mat to help with balance. Enjoy!
freedom in balance flow | 1 hr 8 min
This practice readies us for a strong flow sequence with repeated single-leg balancing poses (Warrior 3 to Eagle and back). I have a chair nearby to help with balance, but you could also be near a wall or another piece of furniture if needed/wanted. No other props required, but you might like to have a blanket for your knees / anything you want to have for savasana handy.
band + blanket flow | 1 hr 1 min
Grounding, steadying, challenging practice with options for using external load via a theraband (or a pair of leggings/stretchy scarf in a pinch) and a blanket (or towel, or even a sweatshirt/jacket would work fine). You could still do the movements with no props :). We play with moving from a lunge, to a twist/side plank, to Warrior II at the heart of this flow.
blanket slow and steady flow | 1 hr 6 min
In this practice, we’ll use an ordinary yoga blanket (or towel, bedsheet, whatever) in some extraordinary ways! It’s all to help us feel less tightness in our shoulders, and to sense more power in variations of dolphin pose. You don’t need a wood/non-carpeted floor, but if you are on one, you might like to wear socks for some sliding core work in plank pose in our alternate-vinyasa transitions. There’s an opportunity to pause the video and take some hops into forearm balance at a wall if you practice that pose.
practice breakdown:
- 0 – 4 : setup and meditation
- 4 – 10:45 : shoulder-focused & whole body warm up
- 13:30 – 50 : slow flow, with an extra challenge or pose added in each progressive sequence
- 52:30 – end : quieting into savasana
big thanks to Laurel Beversdorf for the creative blanket ideas!
for a Spotify music playlist to accompany your practice, click here. You'll need a Spotify membership to play the songs in order without ads.
side body slow down flow | 50 min
3 side-body focused movements inspired this flow – a sideways spinal rolldown, rowing in a lunge, and an overhead press in side angle pose. After some alternate nostril breathing (click here for a longer video explanation on the hows and whys of we practice this if you’re curious), we cycle through several flows that incorporate steady-paced repetitions of those movements before an option to go to one repetition per movement.
I'm using a small backpack with 3 cans of food as a weight - you could use any kind of purse with cans/water bottles, or a 5 lb-or-so dumbbell if you have it. If you use this video repeatedly, you might eventually like to try this with a heavier weight.
· Seated ANB breath and warm-up – 0-10
· Kneeling warm-up into flows with 4 reps of each move – 10-32
· One rep per per move – 32-37
· Cool down into long savasana – 37-50
click the bricks flow | 59 min
In this active practice, we’ll use 2 blocks as a way to strengthen our upper back, arm and shoulder muscles AND as a way to make repetitive vinyasas more doable. If you don’t have 2 blocks, 2 books are a good stand-in, or you could even use 2 small hand weights/cans of food/water bottles for most of the movements. Short on time? The first 24 minutes might be all you need to clear off the cobwebs!
cozy chair yoga | 1 hr 3 min
Grab 2 small hand weights (or water bottles or cans) and we’ll move everything from toes to head. This practice is mostly done seated and has a long savasana.
creative capacity-building practice | 1 hr 14 min
Grab 2 blocks and creatively play with transitions that build strength and our capacity to do hard things.
If you don't have blocks, you could use 2 similarly-sized books, or even 2 rolls or paper towels.
+ click here for a spotify playlist to accompany your practice (you’ll need a membership if you want to play songs in the intended order without ads)
sock slide practice - accessible options for wrist sensitivity | 1 hr 23 min
Grab a pair of socks and a chair and get ready to explore a stabilizing flow for your hips and lower body. This practice is taught with an optional vinyasa that allows you to use a chair to avoid putting weight on your wrists, but you can do a more traditional vinyasa if that's what you prefer! If you are practicing on a carpeted surface, 2 newspaper or produce bags (and 2 rubber bands) can help you slide, or you can step instead of slide through one part of our flow.
breakdown of practice:
2 - 15 - feldenkrais-inspired awareness-building gentle movement lying on back
15 - 26 - kneeling warmup for glutes & shoulders, finding a chair-supported vinyasa
26 - 51 - standing flow with sliding!
51 - 56 - variation of forearm side plank using chair - no wrist ouchies!
56 - 1:03 - a lil more standing flow with a challenging high lunge variation
1:03:30 - 1:11 - reverse table variations, including chair-assisted one-legged version and/or restorative forward fold
1:11 - end - mellow closing poses, savasana
+ click here for a spotify playlist to accompany your practice (you’ll need a membership if you want to play songs in the intended order without ads)
steady transition - beginner/accessible yoga practice | 56 min + savasana
This practice starts with some foot-rolling and a unique shoulder warm-up that will challenge your coordination and light up your upper body. Then, we'll use our chair as a prop if needed to help with standing poses as transitions, all at a steady, not-fast pace. You'll get to choose how long to take a savasana - so take as little or as long as you need.
You'll need:
2 balls (rubber band ball, tennis, softball, massage, whatever) - and they don't have to be the same kind of ball.
a chair
anything else you like to have (towel/blanket for your knees, eye pillow, etc for savasana)
+ click here for a spotify playlist to accompany your practice (you’ll need a membership if you want to play songs in the intended order without ads)
side lunge to reverse plank flow | 1 hr 14 min
Sometimes when I’m thinking up a new sequence, I pick 2 poses that I haven’t practiced in a while, figure out how I’d transition between them, and build something up around that. So that’s how this practice came to be! All you’ll need prop-wise is a large towel or blanket. We’ll use it at the beginning of our practice as a long roll to prop up a restorative version of fish pose. Here’s the section breakdown if you want to repeat or skip anything to make it your own:
- 0 – 27 : restoration and strengthening on back
- 27:30 – 31 : seated core work + prep for reverse table/plank
- 31 – 37 : quadruped/child’s pose/lying on belly position, rear shoulder strengthening + core work
- 37 – 50 : slowish flow with all-levels options
- 50 – 58 : quicker flow, intermediate options are cued
- 58 – 1:03 : twisty child’s pose + a little more core work in dolphin
- 1:03 – end : mellow cool down into savasana
+ click here for a spotify playlist to accompany your practice (you’ll need a membership if you want to play songs in the intended order without ads)
dowel yoga | 1 hr 19 min
In this practice, we’ll learn how to use a dowel (a broomstick, extra-large umbrella or yardstick will work for most excercises) to provide feedback and support in many yoga poses, and progress towards a peak pose of bridge with one leg lifted. Since this is a long practice, here’s a breakdown for if you’d like to condense it or practice a select section:
- 0 – 16 – standing warm up with the dowel
- 16:30 – 33 – core & glute work on back
- 35 – 40:30 – locust variations on belly
- 41 – 58 – kneeling & standing poses with vinyasa transitions
- 59 – 1:06 – progressing towards peak pose
- 1:06 – end – stretchy, twisty cool-down into savasana
+ a playlist on spotify to accompany your practice. (you’ll need a spotify membership to play songs in order without ads).
self-compassion meditation | 6 min 30 s
This guided meditation focuses on developing self-compassion, and begins and ends with the sound of a singing bowl. You might like to listen to it while sitting, lying down, or walking.
grab bag flow | 1 hr 20 min
This flow incorporates some warm up drills to get us loading our hands and upper back/shoulders in ways that may make chatarangas (yoga push ups) and the vinyasa feel more accessible, and progresses to a flowy version of a dragon squat – a strength training move that shares some elements of eagle pose (garudasana). You’ll need:
- a block or book
- a small towel or cloth napkin if you are on a wood/laminate floor OR a plastic bag (newspaper, ziploc, garbage) if you are on carpet - we are using this as a slider
- optional: towel/blanket for head/knee cushion
Here’s a playlist on spotify to accompany your practice. (You’ll need a membership to play the songs in the intended order without ads.)
Since this is a fairly long practice, here’s a rough breakdown of the separate sections so you can skip ahead and make the practice shorter if you’d like:
- 0 - 5 : centering & lower back awareness
- 7 - 26:30 : glute and core work – alllllll lying on the ground, yay
- 26:30 - 36:30 : wrist and shoulder warmup and strengthening
- 36:30 – 53:30 : progressive flow
- 53:30 – 1:06:30 : playing around with sliding and dragon squat (this is where you need the small towel or plastic bag)
- 1:06:30 – the end: cooling down into seated meditation or savasana (final resting pose)
lovingkindness (metta) meditation | 6 min 30 sec
this lovingkindness meditation can be done sitting, lying down, or walking. We’ll start with 4 lovingkindness slogans - “May I be happy… May I be safe… May I be at peace…May I live with ease.”
extra leggings flow 2 | 1 hr 26 min
This class starts with a feldenkrais-inspired somatic work to help build awareness and strength in the posterior chain (namely, your glutes!). Then, you’ll grab a pair of leggings or pantyhose, and use it as a resistance band to wake up your core, outer hips, and shoulders. I think you’ll feel a real sense of aliveness in your yoga poses after this unique warm up. If you’d like to do an abbreviated version of this class, here’s a breakdown so you can skip ahead and make it your own:
- 0 – 20: centering & feldenkrais-inspired glute activation and exploration – I frequently do these moves with my one on one students who are working on strengthening muscles that support the lower back
- 21:45 – 33: core, feet, shoulder and outer hip strengthening with the band
- 34 – 56: slow flow
- 56 – 1:03: speedier flow
- 1:03 – 1:06ish: playtime with an isometric variation of bird of paradise
- 1:06:30 – the end: deep stretch cool down and savasana
tennis ball massage & simple movement for upper back and neck | 26 min
The first half of this video will take you through a self-massage sequence for your upper back and neck using 2 tennis balls (or 2 balled up socks for a gentler massage), 2 blankets/towels, and a yoga block or thick book. The second half is a series of simple strengthening movements, many of which are variations of locust pose. I hope you'll feel refreshed and marvelous after giving yourself the gift of this practice.
seated simple yoga break | 15 min
No props needed other than the chair you're sitting in! Breathe, move, and see what a difference a little yoga does for your day.
seaweed flow | 52 min
You'll want at least one towel or blanket for this flow practice inspired by the movement of seaweed...would your shoulders feel more free if your base was more stable?
You may also like to have a chair, block, or stack of couple books to use to help with half moon pose (or just move to a wall).
To accompany your practice, here is an instrumental music playlist on spotify.
steadying practice for intense times | 1 hr 17 min
Please know that the sound quality improves within the first few minutes – see below for quote and recommended intentions. I recommend doing this practice without music, but you can also use this optional Spotify playlist.
Optional: chair for help with stepping forward and as savasana prop; towel or blanket to use as cushion under head/knees.
Inspired by DC Yoga Teacher and activist Reggie Hubbard, who said last week:
“Anger can either fuel and refine our purpose or destroy us. The choice is ours. My prayer is that we use anger as a creative and catalytic force more so than a force of destruction and distraction.”
This practice includes longer holds in each shape to encourage our ability to stay present with discomfort, but you should still always honor your body’s limits.
Recommended questions and intentions for meditation:
- How do I stay open to learning and growing?
- May I ask important questions, even if I don’t have the answers.
- May all beings everywhere be happy, safe, and free.
- May my thoughts, words, and actions contribute to peace and justice for all.
guided relaxation: 61 points body scan audio | 8 min
In this guided relaxation, you will be invited to notice and relax parts of your body that are considered to be dense with nerve endings. Some tips for getting started:
- Try to set up in a place that is quiet – perhaps you can place a sign on your door asking any roommates or loved ones to avoid interruptions at this time.
- Turn off the lights, or place an eye pillow or dark piece of clothing over your eyes. If you prefer to keep your eyes open during this practice, you can try to focus your gaze on one part of the ceiling to limit distractions.
- Spread out a blanket or mat, and place pillows or folded towels under your head and knees so that you can lie down comfortably. If the room is cool or drafty, cover yourself with a blanket or shawl to protect you from drafts. You may wish to place a blanket or sandbag over your pelvis to assist in feeling grounded.
bedtime yoga 2 | 15 min
A calming, restorative yoga practice. All you need is a towel/blanket or two to use as a cushion. If you have a yoga bolster, you might like to use that here.
pre-walk/run mobility warm up | 10 min
Here are a few things I like to do to warm up before a long walk or run. If you have a tennis ball or baseball, great - if not, a golf ball wrapped up in a sock or a sturdy cylindrical water bottle or toiletry item, such as a liquid deodorant container, will do.
crawl off the couch flow | 1 hr 15 min (with shorter option - read on)
This practice has all-levels options including my favorite no-chataranga vinyasa variation and some contralateral movements that will help us become good crawlers – a great way to train core stability. We’ll start with an abdominal massage – one of my favorite ways to de-stress, but contraindicated for some conditions, please see below – using 2 rolled up towels. If you are ready to move and want to skip the self-massage, you can skip ahead to 10:30. You’ll be joined in practice by the ambient soundtrack of the birds of Silver Spring!
Please note: the kind of abdominal massage practiced in the video, while helpful for digestion and stress relief for many people, is not advised if you are/have any of the following conditions:
- pregnant
- recent injury (strain, sprain, broken bone, surgery in last 72 hours)
- fever
- cancer
- need to limit intra-abdominal pressure
- are having a flare-up of symptoms related to a GI / inflammatory intestinal disorder such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and ulcerative colitis
- unstable ovarian cysts or severe endometriosis
- abdominal surgery in the last 2 months
- blood/blood vessel concern (thrombosis, aortic or abdominal aneurism, phlebitis, acute hematoma) or a
- umbilical hernia
- are taking an anti-coagulant
Instead, you may lie on your back and gently rest your hands over your belly to connect to this part of your body, or skip ahead to 10:30.
breathing practice: alternate nostril breath | 7 min
In this video, you'll learn how to do one cycle of nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breath) pranayama (breathing practice), and then practice it for a few minutes with cues. No props needed for this practice - though you should wash your hands beforehand :)
Many students report feeling more focused and balanced after a few minutes of this simple practice, which is said to help regulate the yin and yang energies of the body...which we now understand to be intimately related to our sympathetic nervous system (aka what launches us into fight/flight/freeze mode when we're in stressful situations) and parasympathetic nervous system (what helps you rest and digest when you feel safe).
In a systematic review of studies of alternate nostril breath, Ghiya (2017) explains: "[Breathing] through the right nostril can activate the sympathetic nervous system while breathing through the left nostril can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. So, regular ANB practice can disrupt fight-flight responses by drawing new balance states between the respiratory, cardiovascular and autonomic nervous systems." For more of the hard science behind the practice, see the full review.
extra leggings flow | 52 min
In this mindfully-paced flow, we'll stretch and strengthen our shoulders & find stability in Warrior III by using an extra pair of leggings to mimic a resistance band (aka theraband).
Grab your least favorite pair (we might stretch them out a bit! or a resistance band if you have one), and anything you'd like to have for savasana (a towel/blanket to place under head or legs, an extra layer for warmth).
bedtime yoga | 31 min
a restorative yoga practice for slowing down and moving into "rest and digest" mode. You'll need:
- two stiff pillows/couch cushions/poofs/bolsters
- a towel/blanket or two to put under your head for comfort
- a yoga strap, or a long-sleeved t-shirt or scarf will work just fine
morning flow | 43 min
Get up and get moving with this accessible, full-body flow. You'll need:
- one block (or a book or a sturdy water bottle will do in a pinch)
- since we'll spend some time on our knees, you might like to have a folded towel or blanket to place under your them for extra cushioning
yoga break: lower body focus | 13 min
You'll need a sturdy chair or bench for this practice - one with wheels is ok if you feel very strong in bridge pose. You might like to have a towel or two to use as a pillow for under your head and to help aid in a hamstring stretch.
- quick refresh, at your desk | 8 min
All you need for this practice is a chair or desk or bed to place your hands on. Rolling chair = a little bit of a balance challenge; sturdy chair or desk = easier and steadier.
- love your lower back: Feldenkrais-inspired pelvic clock | 12 min
all you need is some floor space and a few towels or a pillow to place under your head for this mellow, nervous system-soothing, awareness-building practice.
tutorial: modifications for wrist issues | 4 min
seated WFH shoulder-focused flow | 18 min
In this quick practice devoted to moving, soothing & strengthening your neck, shoulders & upper back without having to leave your chair, you'll want:
- a rolled up towel or pillow
- a long scarf/belt/tie/theraband or even a long-sleeved t-shirt to use as a yoga strap
tutorial: stepping forward from downward-facing dog | 6 min
+ you'll need:
- a sturdy chair (or coffee table)
- a blanket or towel to cushion your knees
+ if you have 'em, grab 'em: looped theraband, yoga blocks, a coffee table book